Saturday, November 17, 2012

Passport Re-Issue experience

Hello all,

I thought of penning down my Indian Passport Re-issue process. I hope it helps some of you !
First things first, many people get confused between Reissue and Renew.
Reissue = Process of applying for a new passport when the previous passport has or would be getting expired. 
Renew = Process of extending validity of a short term passport from 5 yrs to 10 yrs.

I have been through the renewal process and now at the fag end of the reissue process.

My passport expires April 2013 and since it is allowed to apply for a new book within 1 yr of the expiry date, I decided to apply for Reissue of passport.
Please note, I also had the following changes in my particulars:
(a) Change in Address
(b) Addition of Spouse Name

Took an appointment for Pune PSK via the portal for Sept 10, 2012.
Got a call from local police station in about a month i.e. around Oct 15, 2012.
Today it is 17th November and the status is: "Your Passport has been printed and You would receive an sms/email once the passport is dispatched." 

I am expecting passport in my hands in about 10 days time.

I am guessing it took over 2 months since I had an address change. The PSK forwards the application to the local police station>>>The local station post verification forwards it to the Commissioner's Office>>>The CO then forwards it to the Regional Passport Office>>>The RPO post verification and internal processing dispatches the passport

The front end at the PSK is handled by TCS and the process is very smooth if you are carrying all required documents and have read about the process. Half knowledge usually adds confusion and delays.

The Govt. processes are still slow and steady and are yet to be streamlined. Yet, kudos to the improvement and the initiative.

I will keep you posted on my progress. Feel free to shoot any questions.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why Google needs Orkut ?

Many of you intelligent peeps outta there must be aware that Orkut is a service managed by our very own Google....
This is a very interesting link telling why google needs Orkut !

I found this interesting !!
How to create your own country - wierd !!

There is this guy called Mr. Fenton staying in UK who seems to be overzealous to create his own country. Reading this at first may sound foolish, but its the loopholes within the system that allows him to do so.
How ?????
Well the law here says, British subjects can successfully declare themselves free of the rule of the British Monarch. To surprise you further, Britain is not a genuine democracy as still the Monarchy reserves some rights to choose the "Lord's" (similar to a commissioner) at an administrative level unlike anywhere else.
According to Mr. Fenton he is proposing to practice his rights of freedom from the monarchy and declare his home, as the Country of "Albion".

At the end of the story, when Mr. Fenton was asked why was he doing this - where he has to go through a very complex legal process - he replied that having his own country would save him from the council tax he has to pay to the UK government.

Now isnt that wierd ?